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Boost your research & reading productivity with AI

Your all-in-one AI tool to save time, improve your productivity, and expand your knowledge in your daily web search and online reading

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Simplify the most complex information into understandable answers with Ask anything

Ask any question on any web page you’re reading or get instantly sourced answers from top search engines

Save time reading without losing information with Summarize

Summarize content on any website within seconds with key takeaways to remember

Deepen your understanding on any topic with Explore

Go further & explore other articles effortlessly

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icon of an apostrophe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ornare tortor vitae eros lacinia, sed varius odio sodales. Nam posuere metus sed pretium auctor. Fusce leo lacus, eleifend et cursus ac, pulvinar id purus. Nullam tincidunt felis quis rutrum fringilla. Nulla pretium, purus ac cursus suscipit, sem massa auctor felis, ac varius mi leo ut magna. Praesent nibh tortor, interdum vel euismod ac, tincidunt non purus.
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icon of an apostrophe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ornare tortor vitae eros lacinia, sed varius odio sodales. Nam posuere metus sed pretium auctor. Fusce leo lacus, eleifend et cursus ac, pulvinar id purus. Nullam tincidunt felis quis rutrum fringilla.
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icon of an apostrophe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ornare tortor vitae eros lacinia, sed varius odio sodales. Nam posuere metus sed pretium auctor. Fusce leo lacus, eleifend et cursus ac, pulvinar id purus. Nullam tincidunt felis quis rutrum fringilla. Nulla pretium, purus ac cursus suscipit, sem massa auctor felis, ac varius mi leo ut magna.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ornare tortor vitae eros lacinia, sed varius odio sodales. Nam posuere metus sed pretium auctor. Fusce leo lacus, eleifend et cursus ac, pulvinar id purus. Nullam tincidunt felis quis rutrum fringilla. Nulla pretium, purus ac cursus suscipit, sem massa auctor felis, ac varius mi leo ut magna. Praesent nibh tortor, interdum vel euismod ac, tincidunt non purus. Pellentesque in lobortis nisi. Curabitur euismod ipsum non dictum placerat. Nulla ornare est vel sagittis facilisis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin vitae sapien rhoncus, laoreet ligula sed, mollis massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Placeholder 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ornare tortor vitae eros lacinia, sed varius odio sodales. Nam posuere metus sed pretium auctor. Fusce leo lacus, eleifend et cursus ac, pulvinar id purus. Nullam tincidunt felis quis rutrum fringilla. Nulla pretium, purus ac cursus suscipit, sem massa auctor felis, ac varius mi leo ut magna. Praesent nibh tortor, interdum vel euismod ac, tincidunt non purus. Pellentesque in lobortis nisi. Curabitur euismod ipsum non dictum placerat. Nulla ornare est vel sagittis facilisis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin vitae sapien rhoncus, laoreet ligula sed, mollis massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Placeholder 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ornare tortor vitae eros lacinia, sed varius odio sodales. Nam posuere metus sed pretium auctor. Fusce leo lacus, eleifend et cursus ac, pulvinar id purus. Nullam tincidunt felis quis rutrum fringilla. Nulla pretium, purus ac cursus suscipit, sem massa auctor felis, ac varius mi leo ut magna. Praesent nibh tortor, interdum vel euismod ac, tincidunt non purus. Pellentesque in lobortis nisi. Curabitur euismod ipsum non dictum placerat. Nulla ornare est vel sagittis facilisis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin vitae sapien rhoncus, laoreet ligula sed, mollis massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Frequently asked questions

What is Wiseone

Wiseone is an AI-powered browser extension that offers a new way of web searching and online reading by saving time, boosting productivity, and expanding your knowledge.

Is Wiseone free?

Yes, Wiseone is a free tool. However, while Wiseone remains free to use, upgrading to Wiseone Pro ensures that you get the most out of the extension, enjoying advanced features and unlimited usage.

How can I install Wiseone?

To get started with Wiseone, simply click the “Add to Chrome” button, install the extension, and create an account. Make sure to pin the extension to your navigation top bar and you can then visit any webpage and begin using Wiseone’s features. We also recommend watching Wiseone’s tutorial video. This brief yet insightful video presents how to use the tool and its features.

Does Wiseone work on all websites?

Yes, Wiseone works everywhere online. Simply click on the “Enable Wiseone on” button in the extension’s menu.

How does Wiseone boost productivity?

With features designed to enhance productivity and efficiency, Wiseone leverages AI-powered search engine capabilities to minimize the time spent reading and searching for information. By combining cutting-edge artificial intelligence with time-saving features and a user-friendly interface, Wiseone becomes a valuable tool for maximizing productivity during web searches and online reading.

How does Wiseone enhance web search?

Wiseone enhances your web search by expanding your knowledge, offering reliable information as you browse, and providing well-sourced answers to complex questions. Whether you’re looking to be more productive, learn more, or even verify facts while browsing. Wiseone is designed to be a valuable companion, enhancing the efficiency of your web search.

Will Wiseone slow down my browsing?

Wiseone only uses a small amount of your computer’s resources when it displays its results on web pages and therefore does not affect your browsing experience noticeably. Every analysis is performed on our servers, and the extension’s job is simply to give the results back to you by inserting them directly in the article you’re reading. You will only need a stable internet connexion.

What is Wiseone's policy regarding GDPR?

We are 100% GDPR compliant. Your data is strictly confidential, and won’t be used for advertisement or commercial purposes. It will solely be used for logging, debugging and improving our product.

How to contact us?

To contact us, send your feedback and suggestions, use the feedback button on the extension or send an email at [email protected]. We would love to hear from you and will respond to your emails and feedback as fast as possible.