5 Best AI Search Engines To Try Now

5 Best AI Search Engines To Try Now
5 Best AI Search Engines to try now

What is a search engine?

A search engine is like a helpful tool on the Internet that makes finding a specific webpage easier. There's a ton of information online, which keeps updating daily. Search engines are designed to assist users in quickly and accurately finding what they're looking for by simply typing one or more keywords into a search bar. The engine does the work to show you the most relevant results.

AI-powered search engine

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a type of computer technology that imitates human intelligence, which can learn and adapt from the information it receives.

Regarding AI-powered Search, the platform search engine learns from user data to automatically create more accurate and relevant search results. The action happens in real-time, refining the results as the user searches. Instead of relying on keywords, the AI-powered search engine examines various factors, like a person's past purchases and queries, common spelling mistakes, interests, and the search intent behind the wording used in the Search.

Unlike manual methods or coding, AI allows such actions to be performed on a large scale without constant human involvement. Additionally, intelligent machines can autonomously adjust to enhance accuracy and relevance, just like humans learn and improve over time.

The technology behind AI search engines

Making machines understand and respond appropriately to the different ways people talk is a big challenge. Human speech is diverse and not always structured. For instance, we might use words like "fiery salsa" or "spicy salsa" interchangeably, and phrases like "Who stood out at the Oscars?" or 'Who crushed it during the soccer World Cup" can be a bit unclear.

NLP (Natural Language Processing) helps computers figure out language patterns and connections between words, allowing them to grasp what people mean. 

NLP is also the brain behind voice assistants like Alexa and Siri. Google, for example, trained its AI to chat more naturally by having it read 2,865 romance novels.

For computers to automatically act on their understanding of human language and improve over time, they need machine learning. Machine learning teaches machines to perform tasks without explicit programming using mathematical formulas. It's like the machine learns from data, finding patterns and connections using algorithms. This enables the machine to do tasks that might take a human team weeks or even years. For instance, I suggest books based on what similar users bought to someone looking for "best historical biographies" or fixing common spelling mistakes like "simple zucchini bread recipe" to show the right search results.

How do AI search engines work

  • An AI search engine starts by indexing information from the web.
  • When a user asks a question, the tool employs natural language processing to grasp the meaning and purpose of the query.
  • The engine assesses how closely its organized information aligns with the question and assigns a score to each item based on its relevance.
  • The AI-powered search engine then displays the most fitting results initially and arranges the rest in descending order of relevance scores.

Benefits of using AI-powered Search 

Using AI-powered Search brings several advantages for businesses in their daily interactions with users:

  • Better Results for Specific Searches: It helps improve search results for specific and detailed queries.
  • Happier Customers: Users are more satisfied with the search experience.
  • Increased Sales: It can lead to more customers purchasing or taking desired actions.
  • Time-Saving for Employees: Employees can spend less time on repetitive tasks like fixing spelling mistakes and figuring out synonyms.

Best 5 AI search engines

Microsoft Bing

Microsoft's Bing goes beyond regular text and voice search with its intelligent features. Bing also has a full AI-powered chat feature that wants to be your copilot on the web.

This feature fine-tunes search results and gives you more detailed answers. You can chat with it or ask for more information freely.

Bing uses a new and advanced OpenAI language model made explicitly for searching. While there's room for improvement, it's better than older AI search engines and keeps getting smarter. The best part? It's free for everyone, but you must sign in to your Microsoft account if you want more than four search results daily.

Microsoft Bing


Brave is a search engine that focuses on privacy. The search engine uses its innovative technology to evaluate and summarize web pages. It has three language models (LLMs) that are trained for different tasks:

  • Answering questions and making search results better.
  • Sorting out unwanted search results through classification.
  • Adding the finishing touches with summarization and paraphrasing.

Brave Search relies on two open-source language models available at Hugging Face. The first one is called BART (not to be confused with BERT). The second language model, DeBERTa, is a mix of Google's BERT and Meta's RoBERTa, making it an improved version.

What's unique about Brave Search is that it doesn't use Bing or Google for its searches; it has its very own collection of web pages.


Perplexity AI

Perplexity AI aims to provide users with more specific answers by gathering information from various pages so you don't get generic search results by offering a summary and the links to where it got the information.

What makes Perplexity different from regular search engines is its chatbot-like interface. You can naturally ask questions like "Who is the best Formula 1 Driver?" or "What's the most visited country?" The AI then responds with a summary that includes where it found the information, usually from websites and articles. You can ask follow-up questions to explore the topic further if you want to know more.

Perplexity AI

Metaphor AI 

Metaphor AI is an example of the out-of-the-box use of search engines that don't work like usual. Instead of giving regular search results, it's trained to predict links by offering various results like blog posts, Wikipedia pages, resource directories, demos, startup info, books, papers, and more. Users can even pick categories like Tweets, News, Research, Podcasts, Blogs, Githubs, and Companies.

Metaphor AI is excellent for finding AI-related resources, like programming languages and classic AI algorithms. It can also suggest music and provide other creative and exciting results. So, it's more than just the typical search engine!

Metaphor IA's results are: "How many calories are burned in a 5-kilometer run? "

Metaphor IA

Google Bard

Google Bard is Google's way of joining the ranks of OpenAI ChatGPT and Microsoft's Bing Chat, which came from ChatGPT. Even though it's still experimental, it's completely free to use. This tool goes beyond regular search results—it can give detailed answers to questions, create text, translate content, assist with tasks, and more.

The cool thing about Google Bard is that it's already linked to other Google services. If you're a fan of using Google for various things, Bard can be helpful for you!


What is a search engine?

A search engine is an online tool that helps users find specific web pages quickly and accurately by typing keywords into a search bar. It scans and indexes vast amounts of information on the internet, presenting the most relevant results based on the search query.

How does a search engine work?

When you enter keywords into a search bar, the search engine uses algorithms to scan its index of web pages, evaluate their relevance, and present a list of results that match your query. This process involves analyzing keywords, links, and other data to rank the most useful pages at the top.

What is an AI-powered search engine?

An AI-powered search engine uses artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance the search process. It learns from user data to provide more accurate and relevant results by analyzing various factors such as past searches, user behavior, and search intent.

How does AI improve search engine results?

AI improves search engine results by:

  • Learning from user data to refine and personalize search results.
  • Understanding natural language, including common spelling mistakes and varied phrasing.
  • Adapting to user preferences and search habits to provide more relevant results over time.

How do AI search engines work?

AI search engines operate by:

  • Indexing information from the web.
  • Using NLP to understand the meaning and intent behind user queries.
  • Evaluating the relevance of indexed information to the query.
  • Scoring and ranking results based on their relevance.
  • Displaying the most fitting results first, followed by less relevant ones.

What are the benefits of using AI-powered search engines?

AI-powered search engines offer several advantages, including:

  • Improved accuracy and relevance of search results.
  • Enhanced user satisfaction and experience.
  • Increased potential for higher sales and user engagement.
  • Time-saving for users and employees by automating tasks like spelling corrections and synonym matching.

What are some examples of AI-powered search engines?

Here are five notable AI-powered search engines:

  • Microsoft Bing: Features advanced AI and a chat function for detailed answers.
  • Brave: Focuses on privacy and uses its own web page collection for searches.
  • Perplexity AI: Provides specific answers with summaries and sources.
  • Metaphor AI: Predicts links and offers diverse results across various categories.
  • Google Bard: Experimental tool that delivers detailed answers, text creation, translations, and more.

How does Microsoft Bing enhance search results?

Microsoft Bing uses an advanced AI language model specifically designed for searching. It offers detailed answers through an AI-powered chat feature, making it easier to find information quickly and accurately.

What is unique about Brave as a search engine?

Brave emphasizes privacy and independence, using its innovative technology and open-source language models to deliver accurate and summarized search results without relying on Bing or Google.

How does Perplexity AI differ from traditional search engines?

Perplexity AI offers a chatbot-like interface with specific answers and source links. It allows users to ask follow-up questions to explore topics further.

What does Metaphor AI offer that is different from other search engines?

Metaphor AI focuses on predicting links and delivering diverse results like blog posts, research papers, and more, rather than traditional web pages, making it useful for finding specialized resources.

What can Google Bard do beyond regular search results?

Google Bard, still in its experimental phase, can generate detailed answers, create text, translate content, and assist with various tasks, providing a comprehensive search and assistance experience.

How is AI transforming the future of search engines?

AI is transforming search engines by making them more intuitive, personalized, and efficient. AI-powered search engines can better understand user intent, learn from interactions, and continuously improve their accuracy and relevance, enhancing the overall search experience.

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