8 Top AI tools for teachers

8 Top AI tools for teachers
Photo by LexScope / Unsplash


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed education, offering innovative solutions to enhance teaching and learning experiences.

Teachers can now leverage AI tools to streamline administrative tasks, personalize instruction, and engage students more effectively. It's fair to say they will revolutionize how teachers impart their knowledge and students engage with learning.

Let's explore some of the most valuable AI tools for teachers today so that you can join the technological revolution!  

Our top 8 AI tools for teachers



Wiseone is an AI-powered browser extension that allows individuals and professionals to improve the productivity of their search and online reading uniquely and innovatively.

The AI tool was created with the idea that we live in a world of information overload and misinformation and that a technological solution leveraged by AI will be the answer to help web users be more efficient and productive in the way they consume information online.

Every feature in the browser extension is designed to save you time, expand your knowledge, and boost your productivity using the best LLMs available today.

Key features

Wiseone provides features that offer:

  • Summarization of any content you're reading.
  • Ability to understand complex concepts and words on any webpage, mastering 100% of your reading.
  • The ability to ask questions on any webpage and receive relevant and sourced answers from top search engines to simplify information.
  • Easy and quick access to factual and reliable sources reporting on the same topic.
  • Provision of news, academic sources, and videos from multiple sources to deepen your understanding of any subject.


With Wiseone, teachers can streamline their research process, saving valuable time and boosting productivity. Instead of sifting through numerous web pages or lengthy documents to prepare lessons, Wiseone offers a more efficient solution.

Additionally, Wiseone has transformed how we search for information, providing a level of reliability that exceeds conventional search engines.

Moreover, Wiseone is a cost-effective tool, making it a valuable asset for teachers desiring to maximize their time and resources. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, Wiseone empowers educators to expand their knowledge while optimizing their workflow effortlessly.


Wiseone Pricing

The free subscription option grants access to all core features, with unlimited usage. The free plan is an excellent starting point for teachers to familiarize themselves with Wiseone's capabilities without financial commitment.

Wiseone offers a pro version priced at $9.90 per month. With this premium option, teachers enjoy unlimited usage of the platform's features and access to premium features.

Easy grader

Easy grader

AI is an AI-powered tool designed to assist teachers in grading essays efficiently and accurately. It automates the grading process without compromising accuracy or fairness, making it easier for teachers to manage their grading workload.

Key features

Easy Grader has many features that make it a valuable educator tool. Key features include a summarizer, bulk upload capability, an AI content detector to identify artificially generated content and class organization tools. These features work together to make the grading process more efficient and comprehensive, allowing teachers to provide meaningful feedback to students in a shorter amount of time.

The tool also ensures fair and unbiased grading by analyzing essays based on predetermined criteria set by the teacher.


One of the benefits of using Easy Grader is the time-saving aspect it offers teachers. By automating the grading process and providing instant feedback, educators can focus more on teaching rather than spending hours grading papers. The feedback provided by Easy Grader helps students improve their writing skills by highlighting areas of improvement, ultimately enhancing their overall performance.


Easygearder offers a free individual plan and a $8.99 lite subscription plan, which grades 75 essays per month and summarizes 15 essays.

The Pro subscription, priced at $19.99 monthly, allows teachers to grade 200 papers simultaneously and summarize 50 essays monthly.

The premium and final subscription plan, at $49.99 a month, provides 500 essays per month with 100 essays to summarize.

Straightforward Grader Pricing, followed



Yippity is an AI-powered tool that converts any text or website into a quiz. This tool is handy for students or individuals who need to memorize a large amount of information. Instead of manually creating flashcards or quizzes, users can paste the text into Yippity, and the AI will generate questions and answers automatically.

Key features

Yippity's main feature is its ability to transform text into various quizzes, including multiple-choice, true/false, or fill-in-the-blank questions.


Yippity provides students a convenient way to study smarter by automatically generating quizzes and flashcards. It helps users test their understanding of the content by creating questions based on the text or website provided.

Yippity's prove invaluable for teachers seeking to captivate their students' attention and provide a more stimulating learning environment. By offering a game-like experience, the learning process through quizzes and flashcards, teachers can effectively combat monotony and reignite students' enthusiasm for acquiring knowledge.


Yippity pricing

With the free version, teachers can generate three quizzes per month for free. However, the $4.99 monthly price plan provides unlimited AI question generation.



Gradescope is another digital tool designed for grading purposes. It serves as a platform that aims to streamline the submissions, grading, and assessment processes for educators. By offering both an app and an online platform, it provides a centralized location for teachers to manage all aspects of grading and assessment efficiently.


Gradescope offers a comprehensive set of features to facilitate the grading process. Teachers can easily administer and grade various assessments online or in a traditional classroom setting.

The tool supports different assignment formats, including fixed-length (worksheets) and variable-length (problem sets or projects) assignments that students can upload. Additionally, Gradescope allows instructors to change rubrics that apply to previously graded work, enhancing the flexibility and efficiency of the grading process.


By leveraging Gradescope for grading tasks across different class sizes and course formats, teachers have observed benefits such as improved consistency and fairness in grading and significant time savings.

The platform has enabled teaching teams to grade more efficiently while providing students quicker feedback on their work.

Furthermore, the tool benefits educators looking to save time on grading tasks and gain insights into their students' performance.


Gradescope offers different pricing options based on the institution's needs. The pricing structure includes a free plan for instructors to try out the platform and start with basic features.

The pricing may vary depending on the number of students using the platform, the frequency of assessments, and the specific requirements of the educational institution. It is recommended to contact Gradescope directly or visit their website for the most up-to-date and detailed information on pricing plans and features.


Quizlet was founded in October 2005 by Andrew Sutherland, a 15-year-old student. The platform was released to the public in January 2007. Quizlet's main products are digital flashcards, matching games, and practice electronic tools.



Quizlet provides AI-powered learning tools that allow students to study anything they need to learn. The platform offers various study modes, including Learn and Test, to help users enhance their learning experience. Users can access online flashcards, games, and expert-written solutions to aid their studies. Quizlet's personalized study modes aim to make studying more effective and efficient for learners.

Another key feature is Learn mode study paths, which help users set learning goals before starting a study session. This feature encourages self-reflection and sometimes improves test scores by up to one-third of a letter grade. 


Quizlet offers several benefits for students and teachers. One key benefit is the ability to create multiple custom question sets, which allows students to tailor their study materials to their specific needs, helping them prepare effectively for tests and exams.

Another advantage of Quizlet is the engaging study tools it provides. Students can enjoy studying by utilizing the game formats that Quizlet offers.

Quizlet is beneficial for online and hybrid courses as it can make the material more engaging. In a digital learning environment, accessing a platform like Quizlet can enhance the educational experience for both students and teachers.


Quizlet pricing

Quizlet offers an annual plan priced at $35.99. Alternatively, Quizlet provides a monthly plan priced at $7.99 for those who prefer a more short-term commitment.



Curipod is another platform that integrates various interactive elements like polls, word clouds, drawings, and more to create an engaging digital learning space for teachers and students. 


One of its key features is the integration of polls, word clouds, drawings, and more, allowing for interactive engagement within the presentations. These features enable teachers to create dynamic and engaging lessons that cater to diverse learning styles.

Curipod also generates content such as lesson hooks and drawing prompts, ensuring that each lesson is fresh and engaging for students.


Curipod benefits include the ability to refine results after the AI groundwork, collaboration with other teachers, the easy sharing of lessons with individuals or groups, saving time on lesson planning and assessments, accessibility through a browser, a wide variety of templates available, community support, student feedback sharing, and a range of features for different parts of lessons. 


Curipod pricing

The platform offers a free version for teachersalongside a premium individual subscription priced at $7.5 per month.

For educational institutions looking to implement Curipod across a broader scale, the platform offers site licenses for schools priced at $3999 per school. It provides comprehensive access for all educators within the institution. Similarly, the district license is also priced at $3999.

Education Copilot

Education copilot

Education Copilot is a platform that assists teachers in planning and preparing lessons, creating PowerPoints, and accessing various other tools to enhance their teaching experience.

This AI-powered tool aims to streamline the process of generating educational materials, allowing educators to save time and effort in creating high-quality content for their classrooms.

Key features

The platform allows teachers to automate the creation of classroom resources such as lesson plans, slide decks, worksheets, discussion questions, study guides, and PowerPoint presentations. 


Teachers can access templates for lesson plans, writing prompts, educational handouts, student reports, project outlines, and more.

This tool facilitates the creation of content, assists in differentiating instruction, and enhances student learning outcomes.


Education Copilot

Education Copilot extends a subscription model for individual teachers at 9$ a month.

For larger educational institutions such as schools and districts seeking to implement Education Copilot, users can directly contact the website to discuss pricing plans.

Slide AI

Slide AI is an AI tool designed for creating engaging presentation slides. Ideal for teachers aiming to liven up lessons, it adds innovation and fun to the learning process.

Key Features

Adaptive Slides: Slide AI offers adaptive slides that change their layout as you add content and media.

Brand-focused Media: Users can access in-app stock images and videos that can be filtered to match their brand, allowing for brand consistency throughout the presentation.

AI-Powered Presentation Generation: Slide AI can generate professional slides in seconds.

Advanced Image Edit Capabilities: Users can take advantage of Slide AI's advanced image editing features to customize and improve the visual elements of their slides, adding a professional touch to the presentation.

Professional Presentation Generation: Slide AI generates presentations with a polished and professional look.


Slides AI offers several benefits, such as streamlining presentation creation to enhance accessibility and speed, enabling teachers to customize slides creatively, facilitating collaborative project work, and ensuring uniformity across slides to aid team cohesion.

Overall, Slide AI helps educators craft dynamic presentations that captivate students' interest and foster engagement.


Slide AI pricing

For those seeking a budget-friendly option, the basic pricing tier offers three monthly presentations free of charge. The pro version, priced at $10 per month, provides access to ten presentations monthly, which is ideal for individuals or smaller teams with moderate presentation needs.

The premium plan at $20 per month grants users unlimited presentation.

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